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Instrument Cluster Virginization

Instrument Cluster Virginization

Regular price $149.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $149.00 USD
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Instrument Cluster Virginization Service

Before installing a used cluster it needs to be "VIRGINIZIED".

Clusters are save information about the mileage and VIN number of the car in the eeprom, which can not be modified by coding or programming via OBD.

The cluster needs to be benched, old mileage and vin wiped.

After you connect the virgin cluster to your car and code, cluster copies the Vin and mileage from other modules and its ready to work.

When a used cluster is installed without "Virginizing" will not work properly, you will have a red dot (tampering) and is a high risk for the car mileage to jump to a higher number if the used cluster has higher mileage.

What does this service provide?

  • Former VIN & Mileage correction to match your vehicle's vehicle order
  • Restores state of used instrument cluster to "new" for programming via OBD
  • Programming the donor instrument cluster & writing vehicle order
  • Return Shipping is included

This service can be purchased for remote sessions and local in person visits.

Remote Sessions Require:
  • Initial Mail-In Service for Instrument Cluster to be benched (virginized)
  • Windows PC or Mac running BootCamp. + an KDCAN or ENET Cable, and an active internet connection at the vehicle.
Contact us to confirm if this product is right for you! Email us here
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